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movement a
MOVEMENT A © Ulf Langheinrich

Performance for one dancer and one screen on the floor.

MOVEMENT A s a work about trust and presence, states of movement, movement in movement.
Intentions are pointless, the next remains invisible, it comes too fast, too slow.
The body in all its empty endless movement eventually disappears.

As the floor starts to oscillate in breathe like slow cycles,
the body floats in myriads of projected noise-particles
and sinks into layers of a digital alluvium,
peters out, into final stillness and invisibility.
Everything dissolves into waves of pure light.

Ulf Langheinrich, Accra/July 2007

What does body know that is not on our consciousness?
Experiencing African life reminds me of the great power within the body and its sense of time. It is a human necessity of listening to the cell memories in order to survive, understanding their stories to stay alive, to love.

Toshiko Oiwa, 2007

Premiere: 21 November 2007, CYNETART Festival, Dresden (DE)

Running time: 50 minutes
© 2008

Choreography and dance: Toshiko Oiwa
Concept, Audio visual composition and light environment: Ulf Langheinrich
Playback software: Dirk Langheinrich
Production: TMA Hellerau
Curator: Thomas Dumke